I did not blog this weekend because I just didn't want to be bothered with too much technology. Finally got a break from my kid! I love DJ, but goodness everything is so much more difficult than it has to be when he's around.
I thought that Hubby and I didn't communicate well, but what I found is that it's hard to communicate at all with a yelling 2 year old. I never realized how loudly DJ talks until I was away from him for 2 whole days. He's always yelling something. Little booger has not yet learned how to use his inside voice... Well... that's not entirely true. If you ask DJ a direct question he will whisper the answer so low you have to hold your breath to hear what he's saying. When you're not talking to him he just yells out random things. If he wasn't 2 I would be concerned that he has Tourettes Syndrome!
It is amazing how much little brains absorb, because some of the random things he says shocks me because I'm not entirely sure how he picked up on it. Yesterday at Walmart we're walking down the bread aisle and DJ is touching EVERYTHING saying "This is 2 points. Mommy! This bread is 2 points!" Apparently DJ is also on the Weight Watchers journey with us. Of course he didn't actually choose anything that was 2 points, but his favorite number is 2 so everything is "2" (I wonder how that will work when he's 3... or 16... "Ma, this is 16 points" with a deep voice??).
Anyway, back to the relaxation... It was so nice to talk to Hubby without the background music of Fresh Beat Band (FBB) and a toddler insistently yelling "SING!", because of course we all want to sing FBB over and over and over and over again.
*hums the theme song to FBB without realizing it*
My brain batteries are now recharged so that I can keep going and going and going... That's the story of my life but I can't bring myself to be sad about it because I'm still SOOO relaxed! I tried to shrug my shoulders but I couldn't lift them because they are sooooo relaxed. Usually my shoulders and my ears are glued together due to all the stress. Today I feel like I'm wearing a white linen dress running in the sand, wind blowing through my hair, on a island somewhere. In reality I'm stuck in a cubicle in Minnesota wearing khakis... *lazy relaxed shrug* I guess I'll turn on my desk fan so I can faux a breeze in this stuffy stinky place. I swear it smells like someone burnt popcorn, dumped an ashtray in that bag, microwaved the concoction together and scattered the ashes around the office. Gross.
Still smiling from my relaxation hangover... I suggest everyone get high on relaxation and enjoy the hangover. Happy Monday!